Proper coordination between different parts of the body is required to maintain normal shoulder function. Your lower body, trunk, shoulder, and arm muscles function together. These body segments are links in a chain. If one link is not functioning properly, your entire kinetic chain suffers.
The kinetic chain approach to shoulder rehabilitation is based on control of the shoulder blade and coordinated stabilization of the trunk. The Bodyblade is a rehab tool that can be used to train these links to function in a coordinated fashion.
Strong shoulder muscles, such as the trapezius, serratus anterior, and rotator cuff provide a base of support to stabilize your scapula and optimize arm function. Also, normal movement patterns of the upper body require lower body and trunk muscle activation before arm movement occurs. The Bodyblade is an oscillatory device that requires the co-activation of these body segments. The Bodyblade trains muscular strength, endurance, and coordination through the co-contraction of several important muscle groups.
3 Bodyblade Exercises
Shoulder rehab programs using the Bodyblade can take on different forms. Different exercises target different links in the chain such as your glutes, core, scapular muscles, or rotator cuff. The 3 exercises included in this article are examples we use for patients recovering from shoulder injuries.
Perform each for a set period of time (i.e., 30 seconds) or repetitions (6-10 repetitions) using multiple sets (i.e., 2-4 sets). Your physical therapist can help you design a program which is best for you.
Learn More About the Benefits of Exercising with the Bodyblade
Shoulder rehabilitation has become more of a total body approach versus focusing solely on the shoulder. The Bodyblade is a device that facilitates the co-contraction of muscles in the shoulder and throughout the body. This is characteristic of how the body functions in everyday life and sports. For people experiencing shoulder pain, the Bodyblade can be an effective adjunct to other foundational shoulder strengthening exercises.
The physical therapists at BSR have been helping people in Southern Ocean County move without pain since 2007. To learn more about the benefits of the bodyblade, contact our office to schedule an appointment with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy.