Do you suffer from chronic headaches? In particular, do you experience headache pain on 1 side of your head or face? Do you also experience neck pain and stiffness along with your headaches? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is a good chance manual therapy will provide you with headache relief.
Manual Therapy Proven to Offer Headache Relief
A 2016 study examined 110 people with chronic headaches and neck pain. Half the participants were treated with exercise and joint mobilization, while the other half received spinal manipulation techniques performed by a physical therapist.
After 8 sessions with their physical therapists, both groups reported large improvements in headache intensity and neck pain. The exercise and mobilization group reported a 37% decrease in headache intensity, and the manipulation group reported a 67% decrease in headache intensity. Similarly, large improvements in neck pain were achieved in both groups.
This study proves that 2 different forms of manual therapy are effective for relieving headaches: mobilization and manipulation techniques. However, participants receiving spinal manipulation reported almost twice the improvement.
What is Manual Therapy?
Physical therapists use clinical reasoning and their hands to apply pressure on muscles and manipulate joints. This restores movement and decreases pain caused by muscle spasms, muscle tension, and arthritic joints.
Therapeutic touch is applied in a skilled fashion. This calms or facilitates your body’s nervous system. Often, you experience an immediate decrease in pain, improved muscle function, and improved mobility.
Mobilization and manipulation consist of movements of joints, nerves, and muscles. All of these treatments are pain-free. Below are examples of 2 techniques that improve headaches and neck pain.
Manual therapy treatment usually lasts 10 to 15 minutes. Your therapist then prescribes 3 to 4 specific exercises targeting your unique problem. In order for pain relief to last, it is imperative that you perform these exercises at home.
Spinal Manipulation Techniques for Headache Relief
Manual therapy mobilization uses slow and rhythmical techniques whereas manipulation is a faster technique. Both are effective and extremely safe when done by a trained professional. However, research suggests that spinal manipulation provides greater headache relief.
Physical therapists often target the joints of the upper neck and upper back when treating people with neck pain and headaches. These techniques are very gentle and pain-free. Physical therapists often use the 2 techniques below.
See Your Physical Therapist for Help with Headaches
Before applying any manual therapy treatment, your physical therapist performs a thorough examination. All people with headaches do not receive the same treatment. Therefore, your program is always personalized.
If you are suffering from headaches, the sooner you see your physical therapist the better your outcome will be. The longer you wait the harder it is to recover. Also, your brain is good at compensating for how you move to avoid pain. You don’t want to develop bad habits that are hard to break.
Call your physical therapist and schedule an initial evaluation.