Archive for the ‘Mindset’ Category

5 Simple Strategies for a Healthier New Year

With the new year comes many aspirations for a better future.  This often includes a desire to become healthier or…

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Fitness goals new year

Exercise is Medicine for Depression

Depression is a short-term state or a long-term clinical disorder.  Feeling sad, discouraged, or unhappy is a symptom of short-term…

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Exercise is medicine for depression

Finished Your Physical Therapy: What’s Next?

The day has come.  You’ve dedicated your time and put in the work now you and your physical therapist have…

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Build Exercise Habits after Physical Therapy

3 Proven Strategies to Achieve Your Goals in the New Year

Every New Year starts with well-intentioned resolutions to change behaviors and achieve big goals.  However, only 8% of people actually…

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Achieve your goals in the new year

Change is Hard: Build Healthy Habits for Life

Old habits die hard.   New habits are even more difficult to start.  When it comes to rehabbing from an injury,…

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physical therapy

Resilience: The Final Piece of Recovery from Injury

Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust to misfortune or change.   Successful recovery from injury requires resilience to…

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