Concussion Rehab Speeds Recovery From Head Injury
Many people become frustrated by a slow recovery following a concussion. At BSR, we help people with concussion feel and move better. And we do this without using pills, shots, or surgery. Concussion rehab is a proven treatment approach helping people of all ages recover from a head injury. After completing your therapy, you will feel better and be back to enjoying life.
What is a Concussion?

A blow or jolt to the head can cause a concussion. This can happen from a fall or hit that jars the brain. The injury disrupts the brain’s normal ability to function. The brain must work longer and harder to complete even simple tasks. Loss of consciousness (being “knocked out”) may occur with a concussion. However, most people do not lose consciousness. Even the mildest concussion should be taken seriously. People with concussion symptoms lasting more than 1 week are referred for concussion rehabilitation.
Signs and Symptoms of Concussion
A concussion can affect you in many different ways: physically, cognitively, emotionally, and by disturbing sleep. Below, are the top 10 symptoms of people who suffer a concussion.

Common signs and symptoms of a concussion
Concussion Rehabilitation and Recovery: A Team Approach
A concussion can affect school, work, and sports. Concussion recovery is a collaborative approach involving the patient, parent, physician, athletic trainer, physical therapist, teacher, employer, and coach.
Physical therapists perform a comprehensive history and physical exam to determine an individualized rehab program. The exam includes tests for your head & neck, balance, vision, muscle function, and tolerance to physical activity.

Physical therapy treatments for post-concussion syndrome
Specific treatments are not the same for all patients. Your specific treatment plan depends on the findings from your exam. Common exercises we prescribe include neck muscle endurance exercises, vision exercises, and balance training. Also, most patients benefit from manual therapy performed by your physical therapist.
Progression of your concussion rehabilitation occurs in stages. You must meet specific goals in order to move through each stage. During rehab sessions, your therapist will closely monitor your symptoms to avoid an exacerbation. You will return to full activity only after passing through the complete testing protocol without symptoms.
Concussion Rehabilitation Specialists at BSR Physical Therapy
The physical therapists at BSR have earned the ImPACT Trained Physical Therapist (ITPT) credential. Credentialed therapists have received in-depth training helping them provide best-in-class concussion care to all patients. This includes knowledge about the most up-to-date research on how to safely and effectively rehabilitate patients with post-concussion syndrome.
Call to schedule your initial evaluation with one of our credentialed physical therapists at our Manahawkin location.