Posts Tagged ‘Elbow injuries’

5 Band Rotator Cuff Exercises for Baseball Players

Nearly half of all baseball pitchers experience shoulder or elbow pain that limits participation at some point in their career. …

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Arm Care Exercises

How to Relieve Tennis Elbow Pain

Tennis elbow is a common condition that causes pain and weakness on the outside of your elbow.   It affects thousands…

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Physical therapy for elbow pain

Bodyblade Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises

Proper coordination between different parts of the body is required to maintain normal shoulder function.  As mentioned in previous articles,…

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Bodyblade shoulder exercise

Kinetic Chain Exercises Linking the Shoulder and Hip

Overhead activities such as throwing require proper sequencing of different body parts.   The lower body, trunk, shoulder, arm, and hands…

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kinetic chain shoulder

Early Sports Specialization and Long-Term Athletic Success

Sports specialization is the year-round intensive training in a single sport at the exclusion of other sports.   Early sports specialization…

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Early Sport Specialization

Baseball Stretching Drill to Restore Range of Motion between Innings

Baseball players will lose range of motion in their throwing shoulder and elbow following a pitching session.  This loss of…

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Pitchers lose shoulder ROM following throwing

5 Arm Care Stretching Exercises for Baseball Players

The unique demand of throwing a baseball places tremendous stress on your arm bones, muscles, and soft tissues.  Therefore, shoulder…

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Baseball Arm Care Stretching Exercises

Little League Elbow: 5 Things Parents and Coaches Should Know

Little League elbow is an overuse injury affecting the inside part of the overhead athlete’s elbow.  The injury occurs in…

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Prevention of Little League Elbow