Your shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body. However, it is also the most often dislocated joint. Shoulder…
This year, 250,000 ACL injuries are estimated to occur in the U.S. Unfortunately, only 63% of athletes ever return to their sport after…
After ACL surgery, persistent quadriceps and hamstring weakness will delay your return to sport. Weakness of your injured leg will…
You are not guaranteed to return to your sport after your ACL reconstruction. 1/3 of athletes never return to their…
An estimated 250,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgeries are done each year. Unfortunately, surgery does not guarantee a return…
An estimated 850,000 meniscus surgeries are done each year in the U.S. Previously, we reviewed the keys to recovery after…
Meniscus surgery is the most common orthopedic procedure performed in the U.S. According to Harvard Medicine, 750,000 meniscus surgeries are…
Hip replacement surgery relieves pain for hundreds of thousands of people each year. However, some are disappointed because of persistent…
In the United States, approximately 17 million people struggle with rotator cuff tears. Often, pain and an inability to raise…
Pain or tightness around your knee can be from poor hamstring flexibility. Research proves tight hamstrings contribute to knee pain. …